Боже! Как же я от жизни земной устал, В мире призраков и теней долго блуждал. Открылось речение, символы излучают свет, Андрогинов учение, как данный людям Завет.
This work is a continuation of the author's research outlined in his book «BEING. Creation of androgynes». It is shown that throughout the history of the development of earthly mankind, true knowledge was transferred to him about who are our Creators, where did man come to Earth, what are the ways of his development and final existence. This
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The book contains three articles by the author devoted to the fundamental concepts of modern physics and our worldview: time, force interaction, coordinate system.
Much attention is paid to the historical aspect of how people's ideas arose in the process of their labor activity. First of all, it is concluded that the concept of time
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